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 Dr. John LaRocco

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Syllabus Spring 2019 Section 5
(PDF file)



MGMT 10:: overview

Catalog Description: Study of business law for the business professional. Aside from investigating substantive law, the course stresses critical thinking and analytical evaluation of contemporary business problems. Encourages the identification of ethical concerns along with the ability to anticipate potential legal problems with the goal of preventing them. Covers introduction to the legal system; court procedures; contracts and sales; business organizations; real and personal property; labor and employment law; product liability, and the government regulation of business.

Prerequisite and requirements: Upper division standing.

Number of Units: 3

The main components of this class are delivered via WebCT. Students will need computer access to the Web. To access WebCT, you will need a valid SacLink ID and password.

If you know that you have a SacLink account,
access http://saclink.csus.edu. Click Login,
enter username and password and click Login to
verify that your account is active.

If you do not have a SacLink account, access https://www.saclink.csus.edu/saclink/
and click REGISTER under Set up SacLink. Once
completed, your account will be active.

Although a home computer with a high speed modem running Netscape or Internet Explorer would be beneficial, students can use the Web from one of the campus student labs. Check out System Check and Computer Hardware Recommendations for more information about equipment.

Computing Recommendations

Comfortable using the computer and browsing the Web
Windows compatible Pentium running Windows 98 or XP, or Macintosh compatible with System 10 (OS X)
  • 128 MB RAM
  • 56K modem, DSL, or Cable connection
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or Netscape 6 (or higher)
SacLink or other Internet Account
Word processing skills
Online class participation on the Web assignments and electronic discussions
last updated: 07/06/2006
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